Abdurohmat Komarudin

Mr. Abdurohmat Komarudin commonly called as Abdoe is a graduate of the Batam State Polytechnic and he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the Perbanas Institute Jakarta. Mr. Abdoe is the company’s Managing Director of the firm with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Taxation. In addition, he also has more than 8 years of experience in engineering.
Mr. Abdoe started his career in engineering at PT Advance Interconnect Technologies Batam (formerly known as PT Astra Microtronics Technologies) in 2004. His engineering career developed into an Industrial Engineering in 2007 at the same company with a new name, namely PT Unisem Batam. The peak of his engineering career was as an NPI Engineer at PT Excelitas Batam in 2010.
In the middle of 2012, Mr. Abdoe tried his new career as a junior associate at a tax consulting firm in Batam. Moved to Jakarta end of 2013 and worked as a transfer pricing specialist with his last position as Senior Manager Transfer Pricing and International Tax at a Tax Consulting company in Jakarta.

Mr Abdoe joined TaxPartner in 2020 as Managing Director. His practice focuses upon transfer pricing, international tax, tax dispute resolution covering tax audit, tax objection, tax appeal in tax court, other tax services such as corporate income tax, withholding tax and general tax advisory. His professional expertise in taxation, transfer pricing & international taxes is supported by attending the following certified trainings and courses; Brevet A and B courses held by IKPI in 2013, Transfer Pricing and Comparable Data Workshop held by IKPI in 2013, Principle of Transfer Pricing Training held by IBFD in Kuala Lumpur in 2015. International Tax Conference 2016 to 2019 held by Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia and BvD, ITR Asia Tax Forum 2021held by ITR. Furthermore, He holds registered tax attorney number Kep567/PP/IKH/2020.